he MicroMist Scrubber technology is ideally suited for stringent ammonia and PM emissions regulations from urea granulators and prilling towers in the fertilizer industry.
Increasingly, more stringent regulations are being imposed on the production of fertilizer, more specifically urea, that require advance scrubbing for multiple pollutants. Emission of submicron particulate is very light refractive and therefore produces a visible plume that may trail on for many miles. Using the MicroMist design, allows for combined or segregated scrubbing of the multi-pollutants in one unit. Often, the air permit for the plant hinges on the ability of the APC device to meet and exceed the necessary regulations. In essence, if the APC equipment is not performing, fines and possible shut down will occur.
- Very low emissions for both urea and ammonia
- Low pressure drop
- Open design, no plugging
- Can be delivered in “modules” for ease of assembly at site
- On site support